It is difficult to conclusively define someone’s Personality but answering some basic questions can get you closer to understanding your own personality type, such as:
- What do you like and dislike?
- What are your habits?
- How do you make decisions?
- How do you learn and process information?
- How do you interact with others?
- Understand your leadership & LEarning style
The answers to the above questions will bring you closer to discovering yourself and your personality.
Types of Personality Traits
Personality traits are diverse. An individual is unique and its the combination of various inherrent factors which contribute to one’s individualism.
When we refer to personality traits that make a person what he is, we are usually looking at:
- Our Behaviours
- Our Actions
- Our Attitudes
Positive & Negative Personality Traits
Personality trait attributes can either be a Positive or Negative, here is a short sample list of both.
Sample Positive personality “traits”:
- Adventurous
- Affable
- Conscientious
- Cultured
- Dependable
- Discreet
- Fair
Sample Negative personality “traits”:
- Laziness
- Picky
- Sullen
- Pompous
- Dishonesty
- Sarcastic
- Arrogant
Characteristics can also be considered as “Personality Traits” if you practice them habitually.
Determining Personality Types
Color Persona determines your personality traits by asking you to complete a questionnaire about your likes, dislikes and preferences. Please note that this is not a test. Color Persona will then create a customised personality profile report for you based on your responses.
Behavioural science and personality researchers have discovered that our myriad personality traits fit into five dimensions and they are:
- Openness: being receptive, keen and eager to learn and do new things. Such individuals are known to be insightful and imaginative and have a wide variety of interests.
- Conscientiousness: being reliable and prompt, organised, methodical and thorough.
- Extraversion: involves outgoing behaviour, being energetic and enjoys socialising with friends and colleagues.
- Agreeableness: applies to those who are friendly, cooperative and caring about others and their feelings. Less agreeable individuals would be distant and aloof.
- Neuroticism: refers to those who worry a lot and are also susceptible to being taken advantage of.
Our Color Persona Personality Profile Reports discuss in depth, an individual’s traits within the five dimensions and provide suggestions in areas for improvement.
What governs my personality?
Your personality is shaped by you, based on the actions and decisions you take. An individual can either be calm or anxious, diligent or passive. In order to effect a change to your personality, you need to understand yourself, your strengths and shortfalls, and then take some conscious and active steps to become the person you want to be.