List of Default Fonts used
A list of default fonts used by each profile type. These can be overridden by the available fonts. You can select a different font for each profile type:
The default fonts used by profiles are:
Profile Type | Default Font |
Career H.R Recruiter Executive Young Adult Candidate 360 Feedback Team Team Feedback |
Varela Round Century Gothic VAG Rounded Light Tahoma Ubuntu Century Gothic Oxygen Montserrat |
Available Fonts
The Fonts listed below (78+) are available to be used for different profile types, from time to time, we will add additional fonts as requested by our business partners. Once you select a font for a particular profile type, the font will be applied to all reports for the selected profile type:
Font Type | Font Type |
Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Devanagari Adobe Garamond Pro Arial Assistant Baskerville Old Face Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Cabin Calibri Calisto MT Cambria Cardo Century Century Gothic Century Schoolbook ChaparralPro Comfortaa Comic Sans MS Constantia Courier New DM Sans Dosis EB Garamond Fira Sans Light Futura Bk BT Garamond Gayathri Georgia GFS Didot Gill Sans MT Helvetica Hind Siliguri IBM Plex Sans Josefin Sans Kanit Karla Lato Libre Franklin |
Lucida Bright Manjari Martel Maven Pro Merriweather Minion Pro Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Muli NanumGothic Noto Sans Noto Serif Nunito Old Standard TT Open Sans Oxygen Palatino Poppins Prompt PT Mono PT Serif Questrial Quicksand Raleway Red Hat Text Roboto Rubik Segoe UI Source Sans Pro Tahoma Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Ubuntu Univers 45 Light VAGRounded-Light Varela Round Verdana Vollkorn Work Sans |
Recommended Fonts
For advanced account holders, we recommend the fonts listed below, theses have been tested and prove to be high quality for printing and viewing as PDF documents.
Recommended Font Type |
Adobe_Garamond_Pro Arial Bookman_Old_Style Calibri Century_Gothic Constantia Gill_Sans_MT Helvetica Minion_Pro Montserrat Noto_Serif Open_Sans Oxygen Questrial Quicksand Roboto_Slab Source_Sans_Pro Tahoma Times_New_Roman Trebuchet_MS Ubuntu VAG_Rounded_Light Varela_Round Verdana |
How to Change profile fonts – (Advanced Agent Account is required)
To change the default profile fonts used per Profile type do the following:
- Login to the Color Persona Agent portal
- Navigate to the Advanced feature menu option from the ‘My Account‘ menu option, then select the Advanced Features option
- Then select the User Profile Fonts option
- Click on the ‘Add New’ button
- From the Profile type drop-down, select the Profile for which you wish to change the font type for
- From the Font Name drop down, then select the New Font type you want to use for this profile type (You can view the sample Fonts by viewing the Sample PDF below)
- You can change the font sizes for different items. If your not sure leave them as is.
** Note:
Making a change to font sizes can cause the page content to overflow to next page or cause a blank page within the report. If the syntax is changed, the font may fail to be utilised and a system default font will be used or even break the publishing process for that profile type.
View Sample Fonts in PDF document
The PDF document will give you an idea of what the font looks like within a Page of a report.