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Partner Login Partner Registration

Bulk Evaluator Upload

What are bulk upload Evaluator links? To help business partners to save time creating volumes of single-use Evaluator links, we have extended the creation of Evaluator links by adding a feature to duplicate an existing 'single use' Evaluator link. For this process, we will be using an existing Single use questionnaire (links allowed are set to 1) and not [...]

By |2023-08-11T14:26:40+08:00March 21st, 2023|, |Comments Off on Bulk Evaluator Upload

Publishing Settings

How to Turn On Automatic Publishing? By default, your account will be set up to automatically publish profiles once a candidate has submitted an Evaluator. You can change this from your account. To Turn off Auto Publish: After the login, on the landing page, scroll down to settings options (blue ones), and click on the 'Manage Publishing Settings' link. [...]

By |2023-08-11T14:29:12+08:00August 15th, 2019|, |Comments Off on Publishing Settings


Selecting Gender during the Profile Evaluator During the process of Individuals completing the profile Evaluator (questionnaire), they will have to select one of the following Genders: Female Male Neutral Other This means: If a Male or Female is selected, the reports are personalised to the individual completing the questionnaire. The usage of terms such as 'Himself', 'Herself',' 'He', 'She' [...]

By |2023-08-11T14:34:12+08:00April 10th, 2019|, |Comments Off on Gender

Evaluator & Email Purge

Evaluator & Emails sent from the system will be purged (removed from the system). By default, Evaluator & correlating email logs will be removed from  the system as follows: Pending/uncompleted questionnaires older than 60 days will be removed from the system. If you wish to keep them for another 60 days, then you must Resend the Evaluators by clicking [...]

By |2023-08-11T14:44:50+08:00November 21st, 2015|, |Comments Off on Evaluator & Email Purge
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